Bath Salts, the Bath Salt Addiction
Bath salts, also known as Dead Sea salt, are an effective group of therapeutic designer drug products. The term derives from medieval cases where the medicines were disguised as bath salt. The salts, white flakes, or crystals are often similar to Epsom salt but are different chemically. Because of this, bath salt from Amazon is becoming more popular for use as a home remedy for various ailments and illnesses.
The salt from Amazon contains a number of highly addictive substances. These include magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, and ammonia. While many of these ingredients are well known, some are not. Two of the most highly addictive bath salts in the world are MPPV and MDMA. This relative hypnosis of the brain is believed to be the reason why ecstasy users experience a very strong craving for the substance. While it is highly addictive, it is still considered a safe recreational substance by most countries.
The main symptom associated with bath salt addiction is increased anxiety and insomnia. Other symptoms include restlessness, irritability, and a decreased libido. These symptoms are often mistaken for signs of psychosis, especially in individuals who are extremely paranoid. Some people experience hallucinations and delusions while under this state of mind. Unfortunately, the worst symptoms of bath salt addiction can lead to the deterioration of one’s life and cause serious mental illness.
One of the major symptoms of bath salt addiction is agitation. It causes people to become extremely agitated due to feelings of anxiety and stress. Other common symptoms include hallucinations and paranoia. If the person who is addicted to bath salts does not get treatment, they could develop conditions such as mania, delusions, agitation psychoses, and hallucinations. They may also experience symptoms of hypertension and tremors.
With increased agitation, it is possible to experience euphoria, increased sexual urges, insomnia, irritability, and depression. This is often accompanied by profuse sweating, tremors, and heart palpitations. This heightened state of arousal is often the reason that bath salts are sold on college campuses. College students commonly steal these synthetic stimulants mDPV and ephedrine in order to raise their moods.
In order to answer the question posed in the title “Is Bath Salt Addiction Serious?” we must understand how these drugs work, and how they are introduced to the market. Google searched the term “bath salts” and filtered the results based on the search parameters of drug use, including the use of illicit substances.
Based on the information gathered, it appears that bath salt abuse is a form of stimulant or cocaine addiction. This is supported by the fact that bath salts can cause rapid mood fluctuations, profuse sweating, profuse diarrhea, intense excitement, extreme fatigue, and the euphoria associated with it. Due to the fact that bath salts abusers frequently deny that they have a problem, treatment can often be difficult to find. Treatment for this particular substance should begin with detoxification, in order to rid the body of the stimulant and any associated neurotransmitters that may have been released through repeated use.
An immediate detoxification is imperative, as continued use of the substance will result in severe agitation. Individuals experiencing bath salt intoxication may also experience hallucinations, paranoia, and extreme muscle spasms. Severe agitation may also lead to physical injuries, such as seizures, bruising, or brain hemorrhaging. Users who attempt to consume any other drugs will also be at risk for complications. These drugs stimulate neurotransmitters within the body, causing an imbalance that commonly causes a variety of diseases.
Most bath salt drugs are not illegal, but police are very aware of their use and will very often seize individuals’ homes and properties. The use of bath salts is closely associated with the use of illegal drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin. Unfortunately, bath salt users often resort to these illegal substances in order to satisfy their addiction to the Epsom salts. These drugs are highly addictive, causing users to experience a constant need for the drug. Once the user uses these substances, their tolerance for the drug increases, which intensifies the feelings of euphoria experienced during usage.
Because many bath salts contain highly concentrated forms of amphetamines and lysine, users may experience serious side effects when not used properly. Commonly-known side effects include heart palpitations, vomiting, anxiety, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, and even death. Unfortunately, these drugs are capable of causing these fatal reactions when improperly taken. If you are considering making use of bath salts, be sure that you understand their proper use and how overdose can occur. This will help ensure the health and safety of yourself and your family.
Synthetic cathinone has been used to treat a wide variety of medical conditions over the past few years. Because many people use bath salts for the sole purpose of self-medication, bath salt producers have seen a large increase in business over the past year. Because bath salts are considered a legal and affordable alternative to prescription drugs, many people use these products to help counteract the effects of depression, anxiety, and other difficult medical conditions. However, bath salt use is not recommended for people using medications for these conditions.